+ About
We are a multiple and consistent design studio that dialogues with the boundaries of communication: design, illustration, advertising and education. We approach in a diversified way and complementary the fields of creation, research, strategy and identity.
Totaling more than 35 years of experience and headquartered in São Paulo since 1995, +Studio is an offshoot of the international activities of Rico Lins and team, working in Paris, London and New York, with several awards and publications around the world.
With energy, restlessness and innovative spirit, our multidisciplinary team and network of collaborators from different areas of expertise, have produced for cultural institutions and companies projects from various areas of design, always inviting the public to interpret, participate and become involved with the communication.
+ Rico Lins
Graduated from ESDI, Rio de Janeiro in 1979 and Master by the Royal College of Art in London, is a member of AGI – Alliance Graphique Internationalle, with long international career which combines professional and educational activities. Designer, art director, illustrator, educator and curator, he has acted in the past three decades between Paris, London, New York, Rio and São Paulo for CBS Records, NY Times, Newsweek, Time, MTV, TV Globo, Grupo Abril, Natura, SESC, Museu da Língua Portuguesa, plus numerous publishers. As an educator, teach lectures and workshops of creation in Brazil and abroad, was a professor at the NY School of Visual Arts and coordinated the Master in Graphic Design at the Istituto Europeo de Design SP. Internationally published in major magazines and specialised books, received among other awards the gold medals of the NY Art Directors Club and the Society of Publication Designers. It was one of the AGI Open conference organizers at Auditorio Ibirapuera in São Paulo, in 2014.

+ Exhibitions
- Marginais Heróis, Somerset House Gallery – Londres, Centro Metropolitano de Diseño – Buenos Aires, Galeria Amparo 60 – Recife, Museu Nacional da República – Brasília, 2012-15
- “Rico Lins: Uma Gráfica de Fronteira” – Caixa Cultural-Rio, Curitiba e Brasilia, CCCoreios-Recife e Instituto Tomie Ohtake, S.Paulo, 2009
- Convento de San Francisco Habana Vieja / ICOGRADA World Congress Cuba, 2007
- Museu da Imagem e do Som, São Paulo, 2007
- Casa de Cultura Laura Alvim, Rio de Janeiro, 2007
- Les Silos, Pôle Graphique Chaumont, Chaumont, França 2005
- Museu de Arte Moderna, RJ, 2004
- Centre George Pompidou/Point de Mire CCI, Paris 1990
- Museu de Arte Contemporânea, São Paulo 1990
- Museu de Arte Moderna, Rio de Janeiro 1990
- Galeria Fotoptica, São Paulo 1986
- Galerie Un Moment en Plus, Paris 1981
- Galeria Divulgação e Pesquisa, Rio de Janeiro 1981
- Galeria Casa de Sol, Caracas 1979
- AGI Special Project, 2008-15
- 1o e 2o Fête du Graphisme, Paris 2014-15
- Nord/Sud (Mois du graphisme d’Échirolles), 2012
- Célébrer Paris, 2014
- Ponto de Vista (concepção e curadoria), Caixa Cultural Rio e São Paulo 2014-15
- Connexions><Conexões (concepção e curadoria), SESC-SP 2009
- Festival della Creatività, Firenze, 2008
- “The Present/Ten images for Ithaca”, Thessaloniki Design Museum, Grecia 2006
- Brasil em Cartaz, Chaumont, França, 2005
- Golden Bee Moscow Biennale, Moscou, 2004
- HORIZONS OF ILLUSTRATION, Brno Poster Biennale,República Tcheca, 2004
- 2a Bienal Internacional do Pôster da Coréia, 2004
- 8ª Bienal Internacional do Poster do México, 2004
- 19ª Bienal Internacional do Poster de Varsóvia, 2004
- Brasil Designs, Tokio – S. Paulo, 2003
- “Grafica Vê o Brasil”, Ginza Graphic Gallery, Tóquio, Japão, novembro 2002
- IV / V Bienal ADG, São Paulo 1998/2000
- III Brasil faz Design, São Paulo Milano 1998/1999/2000
- 100 Posters for Brecht, Berliner Ensemble, Berlin 1998
- Il Brasile Fa Anche Design, Milano 1995
- 30 Posters para o Meio Ambiente e Desenvolvimento, Rio de Janeiro, 1992
- Planet Earth Flag Project, Polish Pavillion / World’s Fair, Sevilla – Spain 1992
- 1st International Biennial of the Poster Mexico 1990
- Images Internationales pour les Droits de L’homme et du Citoyen/Artis 89, Paris 89
- The NY Art Directors Club Exhibition, NY 1989-94
- The XIII International Poster Biennale in Warsaw, Poland 1989
- Brazil Designs, NY Art Directors Club, NY 1988
- Henry Moore Gallery/RCA, London 1987
- Creativity ‘87/NY Art Directors Club, NY 1986
- Lahti Poster Biennale, Finland 1986
- Brno Poster Biennale, Czechoslovakia 1985
- Visages d’Alice/Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris 1983
+ Top awards
- Prêmio APCA – Obra gráfica, 2009
- The New York Type Directors Club Merit Award, 2007
- IV, VII, VIII Bienal ADG, São Paulo, 1998, 2004, 2006
- Melhor Designer Brasileiro, Revista Design Gráfico, 2002
- Society of Publication Designers Gold Medal Best Magazine Design, NY, 2000
- The New York Art Directors, NY 1989/93/98/2000
- Top Ten Brasil Faz Design, NY 1998
- 1º Prêmio Concurso Cartazes XXI Bienal Internacional de São Paulo, SP 1991
- Society of Publication Designers/cover illustration for:
The Boston Globe Calendar Supplement, NY 1993
The New York Times Sunday Supplement, NY 1988 - Prêmio Abril de Jornalismo, São Paulo 1986-97
- Diplôme Loisirs Jeunes, Paris 1981/1983
- H.C. Andersen Award (Lista de Honra), Bologna 1980
- 1º Concurso de Cartaz para Cinema Nacional, Rio de Janeiro 1978
+ Affiliations
- Posters for tomorrow – Jurado, Paris 2013
- Escola Panamericana de São Paulo, 2001-2015
- AGI – Alliance Graphique Internationale, Zurich, desde 1997
- Comitê de Notáveis, Escola Panamericana de Arte, S. Paulo, desde 2001
- IED – Istituto Europeo de Design S. Paulo – Coordenação Master Design Gráfico 2005/2006
- 17eme Festival Internationalle de l’Affiche de Chaumont – jurado, France 2006
- Prêmio Jabuti, jurado 2006/2008
- The One Club Design Jury, New York- Lanai, Hawaii, 2004
- “A! Diseño Award”, 11th International Design Conference, Guanajuato, Mexico 2003
- Museu da Casa Brasileira, S. Paulo
- Prêmio iBest, jurado categoria Web Design 1999/2000/2001/2002
- Prêmio Aberje, 1997-2008
- ADG Associação dos Designers Gráficos – desde 1994.
- School of Visual Arts- Graphic Design Departament, professor, New York 1990-91
- Bienal Internacional de São Paulo Jury, Brasil 1989
- The Royal College of Art Alumni Society, London 1987
- Biennale of Illustration Bratislava ‘83 – International Jury, Czechoslovakia 1983
- Prêmio Catalonia of Illustration International Jury, Barcelona 1984
- Hans Christian Andersen Award Jury, Bologna 1984/86